Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english

biography of jawaharlal nehru in english, short biography of jawaharlal nehru, pandit jawaharlal nehru biography in english

Biography of jawaharlal nehru in English/जवाहरलाल नेहरू की जीवनी अंग्रेजी में.

Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english
Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english

Jawahar Lal Nehru


15 August 1947 to 27 May 1964

16 years, 286 days

The first prime minister of India and the longest-serving PM of India, the first to die in office.


Jawaharlal Nehru, often known as Pandit Nehru, was a significant figure in Indian history. He led the country’s independence movement and went on to become its first prime minister. Nehru was born in British India’s Allahabad on November 14, 1889, into a well-known family with a long history of public service.

Early Life and Education:

Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english

Jawaharlal Nehru was the son of Swarup Rani and renowned lawyer Motilal Nehru. His early schooling was done at home, where he was taught a broad and liberal curriculum by private tutors. Subsequently, he studied natural sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge, after attending Harrow School in England. But Nehru’s passion for social justice and politics overshadowed his intellectual interests.

Political Awakening and Involvement in the Independence Movement:

Nehru’s political consciousness was greatly influenced by his exposure to the nationalist movement while he was living in England. After coming back to India, he joined the Indian National Congress (INC) and began working with leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, devoting himself fully to the liberation movement. Nehru actively participated in a number of activities, most notably the Civil Disobedience Movement (1930–1934) and the Non-Cooperation Movement (1920–1922), driven by his unshakable dedication to the goal of independence.

Nehru became well-known within the Indian National Congress as a leading proponent of total independence from British control. His exceptional eloquence, captivating demeanor, and intellectual strength won him the respect and affection of both followers and colleagues. Nehru’s unwavering commitment to social justice and the quest of economic equality were fundamental to his political philosophy. These values came to define his leadership style in the fight for India’s freedom.

Role in the Constituent Assembly and Drafting of the Constitution:

As India approached independence, the Constituent Assembly was tasked with the vital task of drafting a constitution for the young country. Nehru became a key player in this endeavor, aggressively influencing the constitution with his goals of creating a socialist, democratic, and secular India. The Indian Constitution was ratified on January 26, 1950, marking the end of these endeavors and a concrete expression of Nehru’s values and commitment to building an equitable and inclusive society.

Prime Ministership and Building a New India:

India gained independence on August 15, 1947, and Nehru became the country’s first prime minister. He embodied the difficulties of nation-building, economic progress, and the development of a varied and inclusive society throughout this crucial period of his leadership. The three main pillars of Nehru’s vision for India were secularism, socialism, and democracy.

The government launched large-scale initiatives aimed at industrialization, economic advancement, and poverty reduction throughout his administration. The Five-Year Plans were put into effect with the intention of boosting economic expansion and improving self-sufficiency. In addition, Nehru was instrumental in the founding of important organizations that promoted education and advanced science, such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs).

Non-Aligned Movement and Foreign Policy:

The ideas of non-alignment, which placed a strong emphasis on neutrality during the Cold War conflict between the US and the USSR, influenced Nehru’s foreign policy strategy. His contribution to the creation of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which promotes peaceful cooperation and advances the interests of developing countries, was significant.

Nehru’s leadership raised India’s reputation internationally, and he took an active part in discussions on topics like disarmament, decolonization, and the defense of human rights. Nehru was unwavering in his commitment to defending the principles of justice, equality, and non-aggression in the face of obstacles on the domestic and foreign fronts. Throughout his term, his steadfast adherence to these ideals demonstrated his lasting influence on India’s foreign policy.

Challenges and Setbacks:

During his tenure, Nehru faced significant challenges related to the integration of princely states into the Indian Union, managing the refugee crisis resulting from the partition, and resolving boundary conflicts with China. Nehru suffered a setback in the 1962 Indo-China crisis as his handling of the situation was criticized. However, Nehru remained firmly committed to secular ideas and democratic values in the face of these obstacles.

Legacy and End of an Era:

The legacy of Jawaharlal Nehru is intricately woven throughout modern India. His innovative ideas and strategies established the foundation for the country’s socioeconomic development and democratic republican transformation. The nation’s identity and goals were significantly shaped by Nehru’s persistent dedication to social justice, science, and education.

Unfortunately, Nehru’s time as prime minister came to an end when he passed away on May 27, 1964. His passing marked the end of an era and left a significant vacuum in Indian politics. As the daughter of Prime Minister Nehru, Indira Gandhi assumed the role and continued the family’s powerful influence in Indian politics.


Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english-

Jawaharlal Nehru became a key player in determining the future of the country via his important contributions to the Indian independence movement and his subsequent position as the country’s first prime minister. His steadfast commitment to social justice, secularism, and democratic principles left a long-lasting mark on Indian politics. Nehru’s ambitious plan was to move India toward modernity and growth, and it still has a significant impact on the nation’s course.

An enduring legacy of Nehru’s leadership is inextricably linked to the history of India. In addition to providing the framework for Indian governance, his dedication to democracy promoted a diverse and inclusive society. India’s pluralistic fabric has been preserved in large part because to Nehru’s secularist ideals. Furthermore, he shaped policies that resonated with a commitment to equitable development by advocating for social justice, which aimed to alleviate disparities and uplift the downtrodden.

Nehru’s principles are still relevant in modern-day India, impacting choices and conversations about the country’s future. Generations after generation are still motivated by his focus on nation-building, education, and scientific temper. A vital and active part of India’s rich historical history, Jawaharlal Nehru is still remembered as a symbol of visionary leadership.

short biography of jawaharlal nehru:

Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english

Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english
Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english

Born in Allahabad on November 14, 1889, Jawaharlal Nehru was tutored at home by private tutors during his early schooling. He traveled to England at the age of fifteen, attending Harrow for two years before enrolling at Cambridge University to complete his tripos in Natural Sciences. Then he was summoned from Inner Temple to the Bar. After returning to India in 1912, Nehru quickly became involved in politics because he had always been fascinated by the struggles of countries that were being ruled by foreign powers. This interest had already been there during his time as a student.

Nehru showed a strong interest in the Irish Sinn Fein Movement while he was a student. Upon his return to India, he became actively involved in the nation’s independence movement. He was a delegate to the Bankipore Congress in 1912 and became the secretary of the Allahabad Home Rule League in 1919. Nehru was greatly influenced by his first meeting with Mahatma Gandhi in 1916, and in 1920 he organized the first Kisan March in the Pratapgarh District of Uttar Pradesh. Due to his involvement in the 1920–22 Non-Cooperation Movement, Nehru was twice imprisoned.

After taking over as the All India Congress Committee’s general secretary in September 1923, Nehru left for a tour of the world, stopping in Italy, Switzerland, England, Belgium, Germany, and Russia in 1926. Notably, in 1927 he attended the October Socialist Revolution’s tenth anniversary festivities in Moscow and the Congress of Oppressed Nationalities in Brussels as an official representative of the Indian National Congress. At the Madras Congress in 1926, Nehru was instrumental in persuading the Congress to pursue independence. His vigorous participation in anti-Simon Commission demonstrations resulted in a lathi charge in Lucknow in 1928. In that same year, he became the General Secretary of the “Independence for India League,” which promoted the total break of British ties with India.

After being elected President of the Indian National Congress’s Lahore Session in 1929, Nehru was instrumental in the country’s decision to pursue total independence. Between 1930 and 1935, he was imprisoned several times in relation to actions like the Salt Satyagraha. In Almora Jail, he finished writing his memoirs on February 14, 1935. Following his release, he traveled to Switzerland to see his sick wife and spent February and March 1936 touring London. Nehru traveled to China just prior to the start of World War II and paid a visit to Spain in July 1938, during the height of the Spanish Civil War.

Arrested on October 31, 1940, for individual Satyagraha against India’s forced participation in the war, Nehru was released in December 1941. On August 7, 1942, he moved the historic ‘Quit India’ resolution at the A.I.C.C. session in Bombay. Subsequently, on August 8, 1942, Nehru and other leaders were arrested and taken to Ahmednagar Fort. This marked his longest and final detention, with a total of nine imprisonments. After his release in January 1945, he organized legal defense for the officers and men of the INA charged with treason. In March 1946, Nehru toured South East Asia and was elected President of the Congress for the fourth time on July 6, 1946, serving three more terms from 1951 to 1954.

List of all Prime Ministers of India (1947-2023)

Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english——Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english———Biography of jawaharlal nehru in english


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