Bhopal gas Tragedy: GK Modi
Bhopal Gas Tragedy – Industrial Disasters in Past:
Bhopal Gas, Around 45 tons of the dangerous gas methyl isocyanate escaped from an insecticide plant owned by the Indian subsidiary of the American company Union Carbide Corporation in December 1984, making Bhopal the scene of the worst industrial accident in history.
Bhopal gas leak case summary, Bhopal gas tragedy Date.

Bhopal disaster, industrial accident, Bhopal, India 1984: Bhopal Gas Tragedy, which occurred on the night of December 2–3, 1984, is one of the most devastating industrial calamities in history. The incident occurred at the pesticide plant of Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) located in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Approximately forty tons of the highly toxic gas methyl isocyanate (MIC) leaked out of the plant, resulting in immediate deaths and extensive illness. Tens of thousands more are affected by long-term health issues like respiratory problems, eye problems, and birth defects, with official estimates of the immediate death toll ranging from 2,259 to 3,787.
Numerous safety lapses, including insufficient maintenance, inadequate training, and inadequate emergency response plans, were responsible for the disaster. Plant design mistakes worsened things. Following the legal process, Union Carbide agreed to pay the Indian government $470 million, which many thought was insufficient. The site is still dirty, and ongoing legal and advocacy efforts are going on to get justice for the victims and their families.
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भोपाल गैस त्रासदी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न – Bhopal Gas Tragedy Important Questions, Answer.
General Knowledge Quiz Questions on the Bhopal Disaster:
Q.1. When did the Bhopal disaster occur?
Q.1. भोपाल आपदा कब घटित हुई?
- A) January 3, 1984
- B) December 3, 1984
- C) November 3, 1984
- D) December 3, 1985
Answer: B) December 3, 1984
Q.2. What was the primary chemical released during the Bhopal disaster?
Q.2. भोपाल आपदा के दौरान उत्सर्जित प्राथमिक रसायन कौन सा था?
- A) Ammonia
- B) Chlorine gas
- C) Methyl isocyanate (MIC)
- D) Carbon monoxide
Answer: C) Methyl isocyanate (MIC)
Q.3. Which company owned the plant where the Bhopal disaster occurred?
Q.3. भोपाल आपदा जिस प्लांट में घटित हुई थी उसका स्वामित्व किस कंपनी के पास था?
- A) Union Carbide Corporation (UCC)
- B) Dow Chemical Company
- C) Indian Oil Corporation
- D) ExxonMobil
Answer: A) Union Carbide Corporation (UCC)
Q.4. Approximately how many tons of toxic gas leaked during the Bhopal disaster?
Q.4. भोपाल आपदा के दौरान लगभग कितने टन जहरीली गैस लीक हुई थी?
- A) 15 tons
- B) 30 tons
- C) 45 tons
- D) 60 tons
Answer: C) 45 tons
Q.5. What was the estimated number of immediate deaths caused by the Bhopal disaster?
Q.5. भोपाल आपदा के कारण हुई तात्कालिक मौतों की अनुमानित संख्या कितनी थी?
- A) 1,000 to 2,000
- B) 3,000 to 4,000
- C) 5,000 to 6,000
- D) 7,000 to 8,000
Answer: B) 3,000 to 4,000
Q.6. What was the final estimated death toll, including long-term effects, of the Bhopal disaster?
Q.6. भोपाल आपदा के दीर्घकालिक प्रभावों सहित अंतिम अनुमानित मृत्यु संख्या क्या थी?
- A) 5,000 to 10,000
- B) 10,000 to 15,000
- C) 15,000 to 20,000
- D) 20,000 to 25,000
Answer: C) 15,000 to 20,000
Q.7. What kind of health issues did survivors of the Bhopal disaster suffer from?
Q.7. भोपाल आपदा में जीवित बचे लोगों को किस प्रकार की स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा?
- A) Respiratory problems
- B) Eye irritation and blindness
- C) Other ailments due to chemical exposure
- D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Q.8. How much compensation was settled by Union Carbide Corporation in 1989 for the victims of the disaster?
Q.8. यूनियन कार्बाइड कॉर्पोरेशन ने 1989 में आपदा के पीड़ितों के लिए कितना मुआवजा तय किया था?
- A) $250 million
- B) $470 million
- C) $600 million
- D) $800 million
Answer: B) $470 million
Q.9. In which state of India did the Bhopal disaster occur?
Q9. भोपाल आपदा भारत के किस राज्य में घटित हुई थी?
- A) Maharashtra
- B) Gujarat
- C) Madhya Pradesh
- D) Rajasthan
Answer: C) Madhya Pradesh
Q.10. What was a significant outcome of the Bhopal disaster regarding industrial safety?
Q.10. औद्योगिक सुरक्षा के संबंध में भोपाल आपदा का महत्वपूर्ण परिणाम क्या था?
- A) Implementation of stricter safety regulations
- B) Ban on the production of methyl isocyanate
- C) Shutdown of all chemical plants in India
- D) Increased foreign investment in Indian industries
Answer: A) Implementation of stricter safety regulations
Q.11. On which date did the Bhopal disaster occur?
Q.11. भोपाल आपदा किस तारीख को घटित हुई थी?
- A) January 3, 1984
- B) December 3, 1984
- C) November 3, 1984
- D) December 3, 1985
Answer: B) December 3, 1984
Q.12. As of the early 21st century, how much industrial waste was still present at the Bhopal disaster site?
Q.12. 21वीं सदी की शुरुआत तक भोपाल आपदा स्थल पर कितना औद्योगिक कचरा मौजूद था?
- A) 100 tons
- B) 200 tons
- C) 300 tons
- D) 400 tons
Answer: D) 400 tons
Q.13. Which company acquired Union Carbide Corporation in 2001?
Q.13. किस कंपनी ने 2001 में यूनियन कार्बाइड कॉर्पोरेशन का अधिग्रहण किया?
- A) Bayer AG
- C) Dow Chemical Company
- D) DuPont
Answer: C) Dow Chemical Company
Q.14. What ongoing environmental issue persisted in the Bhopal area due to the disaster?
Q.14. आपदा के कारण भोपाल क्षेत्र में कौन सा पर्यावरणीय मुद्दा जारी रहा?
- A) Air pollution
- B) Groundwater contamination
- C) Noise pollution
- D) Deforestation
Answer: B) Groundwater contamination
Q.15. What were some of the chronic health problems observed in the Bhopal area after the disaster?
Q.15. आपदा के बाद भोपाल क्षेत्र में कौन सी दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याएँ देखी गईं?
- A) Respiratory issues
- B) Birth defects
- C) Skin disorders
- D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Q.16. What action did the Indian Supreme Court take in 2004 regarding the Bhopal disaster?
Q.16. भोपाल आपदा के संबंध में भारतीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने 2004 में क्या कार्रवाई की?
- A) Ordered the cleanup of the site
- B) Ordered compensation payments to victims
- C) Ordered the state to supply clean drinking water
- D) Ordered the shutdown of all chemical plants in Bhopal
Answer: C) Ordered the state to supply clean drinking water
Q.17. In 2010, several former executives of Union Carbide’s India subsidiary were convicted of what charge?
Q.17. 2010 में यूनियन कार्बाइड की भारत सहायक कंपनी के कई पूर्व अधिकारियों को किस आरोप में दोषी ठहराया गया था?
- A) Fraud
- B) Corruption
- C) Negligence
- D) Embezzlement
Answer: C) Negligence
Q.18. Bhopal is the capital of which Indian state?
Q.18. भोपाल किस भारतीय राज्य की राजधानी है?
- A) Uttar Pradesh
- B) Madhya Pradesh
- C) Rajasthan
- D) Maharashtra
Answer: B) Madhya Pradesh
Q.19. Bhopal is located in which geographical region of India?
Q.19. भोपाल भारत के किस भौगोलिक क्षेत्र में स्थित है?
- A) Northern India
- B) Western India
- C) Central India
- D) Southern India
Answer: C) Central India
Q.20. The city of Bhopal is situated in the fertile plain of which plateau?
Q.20. भोपाल शहर किस पठार के उपजाऊ मैदान में स्थित है?
- A) Deccan Plateau
- B) Chota Nagpur Plateau
- C) Malwa Plateau
- D) Meghalaya Plateau
Answer: C) Malwa Plateau
Q.21. What mountain range lies just south of Bhopal?
Q.21. भोपाल के ठीक दक्षिण में कौन सी पर्वत श्रृंखला स्थित है?
- A) Aravalli Range
- B) Western Ghats
- C) Vindhya Range
- D) Eastern Ghats
Answer: C) Vindhya Range
Q.22. Bhopal is located along the slopes of which type of ridge?
Q.22. भोपाल किस प्रकार की रिज की ढलान पर स्थित है?
- A) Limestone ridge
- B) Granite ridge
- C) Sandstone ridge
- D) Basalt ridge
Answer: C) Sandstone ridge
Q.23. Bhopal serves as a major junction for which mode of transportation?
Q.23. भोपाल किस परिवहन साधन के लिए एक प्रमुख जंक्शन के रूप में कार्य करता है?
- A) Rail
- B) Road
- C) Water
- D) Air
Answer: A) Rail
Q.24. Does Bhopal have an airport?
Q.24. क्या भोपाल में हवाई अड्डा है?
- A) Yes
- B) No
Answer: A) Yes
Q.25. What was the population of Bhopal according to the 2001 census?
Q.25. 2001 की जनगणना के अनुसार भोपाल की जनसंख्या कितनी थी?
- A) 1,437,354
- B) 1,798,218
- C) 2,345,678
- D) 1,234,567
Answer: A) 1,437,354
Q.26. What was the population of Bhopal according to the 2011 census?
Q.26. 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार भोपाल की जनसंख्या कितनी थी?
- A) 1,437,354
- B) 1,798,218
- C) 2,000,000
- D) 1,500,000
Answer: B) 1,798,218
Q.27. Who founded the Bhopal princely state in 1723?
Q. 27. 1723 में भोपाल रियासत की स्थापना किसने की थी?
- A) Nawab Wazir Muhammad Khan
- B) Dōst Moḥammad Khan
- C) Hyder Ali
- D) Tipu Sultan
Answer: B) Dōst Moḥammad Khan
Q.28. Bhopal was the second largest Muslim principality under which empire?
Q.28. भोपाल किस साम्राज्य के अधीन दूसरी सबसे बड़ी मुस्लिम रियासत थी?
- A) Mughal Empire
- B) Maratha Empire
- C) British Empire
- D) Ottoman Empire
Answer: C) British Empire
Q.29. During its historical struggles, with whom did Bhopal form a friendly alliance?
Q.29. अपने ऐतिहासिक संघर्षों के दौरान भोपाल ने किसके साथ मैत्रीपूर्ण गठबंधन बनाया?
- A) Marathas
- B) Mughals
- C) Portuguese
- D) British
Answer: D) British
Q.30. What was the significance of the treaty concluded between Bhopal and the British in 1817?
Q. 30. 1817 में भोपाल और अंग्रेजों के बीच हुई संधि का क्या महत्व था?
- A) It ended the Pindari War.
- B) It marked the beginning of Bhopal’s alliance with the British.
- C) It established Bhopal as a sovereign state.
- D) It allowed the Marathas to take control of Bhopal.
Answer: B) It marked the beginning of Bhopal’s alliance with the British.
Q.31. What was the name of the subdivision created in 1818 under the British Central India Agency?
Q.31. ब्रिटिश सेंट्रल इंडिया एजेंसी के तहत 1818 में बनाए गए उपखंड का नाम क्या था?
- A) Bhopal Agency
- B) Malwa Agency
- C) Bundelkhand Agency
- D) Rajputana Agency
Answer: A) Bhopal Agency
Q.32. Which city served as the headquarters of the Bhopal Agency?
Q.32. भोपाल एजेंसी का मुख्यालय किस शहर में था?
- A) Bhopal
- B) Indore
- C) Sehore
- D) Gwalior
Answer: C) Sehore
Q.33. Besides Bhopal, name one of the other princely states included in the Bhopal Agency.
Q. 33. भोपाल के अलावा भोपाल एजेंसी में शामिल अन्य रियासतों में से एक का नाम बताइए।
- A) Gwalior
- B) Narsinghgarh
- C) Jodhpur
- D) Udaipur
Answer: B) Narsinghgarh
Q.34. In which year was Bhopal constituted as a municipality?
Q.34. भोपाल को नगर पालिका के रूप में किस वर्ष गठित किया गया था?
- A) 1893
- B) 1903
- C) 1913
- D) 1923
Answer: B) Narsinghgarh
Q.35. What was the status of Bhopal at the time of India’s independence in 1947?
Q.35. 1947 में भारत की स्वतंत्रता के समय भोपाल की स्थिति क्या थी?
- A) A state of India
- B) A princely state
- C) A separate province
- D) A union territory
Answer: C) A separate province
Q.36. In which year did Bhopal accede to India?
Q.36. भोपाल का भारत में विलय किस वर्ष हुआ?
- A) 1947
- B) 1948
- C) 1949
- D) 1950
Answer: C) 1949
Q.37. What change occurred in Bhopal’s governance in 1952?
Q.37. 1952 में भोपाल की शासन व्यवस्था में क्या परिवर्तन हुआ?
- A) The nawab’s absolute rule was abolished.
- B) Bhopal became the capital of Madhya Pradesh.
- C) Bhopal became a union territory.
- D) The city was reconstituted as a municipality.
Answer: A) The nawab’s absolute rule was abolished.
Q.38. When did Bhopal merge with Madhya Pradesh?
Q.38. भोपाल का मध्य प्रदेश में विलय कब हुआ?
- A) 1953
- B) 1954
- C) 1955
- D) 1956
Answer: D) 1956
Q.39. Which city did Bhopal replace as the capital of Madhya Pradesh?
Q.38. भोपाल का मध्य प्रदेश में विलय कब हुआ?
- A) Indore
- B) Gwalior
- C) Nagpur
- D) Jabalpur
Answer: C) Nagpur
Q.40. What type of gas was released during the Bhopal disaster in December 1984?
Q. 40. दिसम्बर 1984 में भोपाल आपदा के दौरान किस प्रकार की गैस निकली थी?
- A) Chlorine
- B) Methyl isocyanate
- C) Ammonia
- D) Carbon monoxide
Answer: B) Methyl isocyanate
Q.41. Approximately how many tons of methyl isocyanate were released during the disaster?
Q. 40. दिसम्बर 1984 में भोपाल आपदा के दौरान किस प्रकार की गैस निकली थी?
- A) 30 tons
- B) 35 tons
- C) 40 tons
- D) 45 tons
Answer: D) 45 tons
Q.42. What was the estimated final death toll from the Bhopal disaster?
Q.42. भोपाल आपदा में मरने वालों की अनुमानित अंतिम संख्या क्या थी?
- A) 5,000 to 10,000
- B) 10,000 to 15,000
- C) 15,000 to 20,000
- D) 20,000 to 25,000
Answer: C) 15,000 to 20,000
Q.43. What were some of the health issues faced by survivors of the Bhopal disaster?
Q.43. भोपाल आपदा में जीवित बचे लोगों को किन स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा?
- A) Respiratory problems
- B) Eye irritation or blindness
- C) Chronic health problems due to soil and water contamination
- D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Q.44. What is Bhopal popularly known as?
Q.44. भोपाल को लोकप्रिय रूप से किस नाम से जाना जाता है?
- A) City of Temples
- B) City of Lakes
- C) City of Palaces
- D) City of Forts
Answer: B) City of Lakes
Q.45. The name ‘Bhopal’ is derived from ‘Bhoj Tal,’ referring to a lake constructed by whom?
Q.45. ‘भोपाल’ नाम ‘भोपाल ताल’ से लिया गया है, जो किसके द्वारा निर्मित झील को संदर्भित करता है?
- A) Akbar
- B) Shivaji
- C) Bhoj
- D) Tipu Sultan
Answer: C) Bhoj
Q.46. What are the two main lakes in Bhopal called?
Q.46. भोपाल की दो मुख्य झीलों को क्या कहा जाता है?
- A) Upper Bhopal Lake and Lower Bhopal Lake
- B) Bhoj Lake and Raja Lake
- C) City Lake and Country Lake
- D) Upper Lake and Lower Lake
Answer: A) Upper Bhopal Lake and Lower Bhopal Lake
Q.47. Which is the largest mosque in India located in Bhopal?
Q.47. भोपाल में स्थित भारत की सबसे बड़ी मस्जिद कौन सी है?
- A) Jama Masjid
- B) Mecca Masjid
- C) Taj-ul-Masjid
- D) Hazratbal Mosque
Answer: C) Taj-ul-Masjid
Q.48. What significant event does Bhopal commemorate on August 9 each year?
Q.48. भोपाल प्रत्येक वर्ष 9 अगस्त को कौन सी महत्वपूर्ण घटना का स्मरण करता है?
- A) Indian Independence Day
- B) Quit India Movement anniversary
- C) Republic Day
- D) Gandhi Jayanti
Answer: B) Quit India Movement anniversary
Q.49. Which fort in Bhopal dates back to around 1728?
Q.49. भोपाल स्थित कौन सा किला लगभग 1728 ई. का बना हुआ है?
- A) Fatehgarh Fort
- B) Red Fort
- C) Golconda Fort
- D) Mehrangarh Fort
Answer: A) Fatehgarh Fort
Q.50. What is the name of the open-air exhibit in Bhopal that displays replicas of different Indian tribal dwellings?
Q.50. भोपाल में खुली हवा में आयोजित प्रदर्शनी का क्या नाम है जो विभिन्न भारतीय जनजातीय आवासों की प्रतिकृतियां प्रदर्शित करती है?
- A) National Museum
- B) Bharat Bhawan
- C) Museum of Man
- D) Van Vihar National Park
Answer: C) Museum of Man
Q.51. What type of industries are present in Bhopal?
Q.51. भोपाल में किस प्रकार के उद्योग मौजूद हैं?
- A) Cotton and flour milling
- B) Cloth weaving and painting
- C) Manufacturing of heavy electrical equipment
- D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Q.52. Bhopal University was founded in which year?
Q.52. भोपाल विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना किस वर्ष हुई थी?
- A) 1960
- B) 1970
- C) 1980
- D) 1990
Answer: B) 1970
Q.53. Which of the following is a notable religious pilgrimage site in Bhopal?
Q..53. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा भोपाल में एक उल्लेखनीय धार्मिक तीर्थ स्थल है?
- A) Lakshminarayan Temple
- B) Taj-ul-Masjid
- C) Van Vihar National Park
- D) Bharat Bhawan
Answer: B) Taj-ul-Masjid
Q.54. What is a disaster?
Q.54. आपदा क्या है?
- A) A minor inconvenience
- B) A natural or human-generated event causing great loss of life or destruction
- C) A regular occurrence
- D) A predictable weather pattern
Answer: B) A natural or human-generated event causing great loss of life or destruction
Q.55. Which of the following is considered a natural disaster?
Q.55. निम्नलिखित में से किसे प्राकृतिक आपदा माना जाता है?
- A) Oil spill
- B) Volcanic eruption
- C) Building collapse
- D) Airliner crash
Answer: B) Volcanic eruption
Q.56. Which of the following can be classified as a human-caused disaster?
Q.56. निम्नलिखित में से किसे मानव-जनित आपदा के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया जा सकता है?
- A) Earthquake
- B) Wildfire caused by lightning
- C) High-rise fire
- D) Volcanic eruption
Answer: C) High-rise fire
Q.57. What was the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power generation?
Q.57. परमाणु ऊर्जा उत्पादन के इतिहास में सबसे बुरी आपदा कौन सी थी?
- A) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
- B) Three Mile Island accident
- C) Chernobyl disaster
- D) Kyshtym disaster
Answer: C) Chernobyl disaster
Q.58. The frequency and magnitude of an event are factors in determining whether it is considered a disaster. True or False?
Q.58. किसी घटना की आवृत्ति और परिमाण यह निर्धारित करने वाले कारक हैं कि क्या इसे आपदा माना जाएगा। सही या गलत?
- A) True
- B) False
Answer: A) True
Q.59. What type of event is likely to be considered a disaster?
Q.59. किस प्रकार की घटना को आपदा माना जाएगा?
- A) An event with a high frequency and low magnitude of impact
- B) An event with a low frequency and high magnitude of impact
- C) An event with a high frequency and high magnitude of impact
- D) An event with a low frequency and low magnitude of impact
Answer: B) An event with a low frequency and high magnitude of impact
Q.60. Which of the following events is likely to be regarded as routine rather than a disaster?
Q.60. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी घटना को आपदा के बजाय नियमित घटना माना जाएगा?
- A) Severe earthquake
- B) Famine
- C) Annual number of deaths due to automobile accidents
- D) Large release of poison gas by a chemical plant
Answer: C) Annual number of deaths due to automobile accidents
Q.61. Why might the perception of what constitutes a disaster vary by culture or setting?
Q.61. आपदा की अवधारणा संस्कृति या परिवेश के आधार पर भिन्न क्यों हो सकती है?
- A) Because of differences in weather patterns
- B) Due to differences in prior history with the type of event
- C) Because of the time of year
- D) Due to the height of buildings
Answer: B) Due to differences in prior history with the type of event
Q.62. What other term can describe events like the displacement of large populations due to war?
Q. 62. युद्ध के कारण बड़ी आबादी के विस्थापन जैसी घटनाओं को किस अन्य शब्द से वर्णित किया जा सकता है?
- A) Natural disaster
- B) Routine event
- C) Human-caused disaster
- D) Economic crisis
Answer: C) Human-caused disaster
Q.63. Which of the following examples illustrates a low frequency but high impact disaster?
Q. 63. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा उदाहरण कम आवृत्ति लेकिन उच्च प्रभाव वाली आपदा को दर्शाता है?
- A) Seasonal disease outbreak
- B) Severe earthquake
- C) Dry season
- D) Automobile accidents
Answer: B) Severe earthquake